My Top 100 Board Games – 2018

There are just a few hours left in 2018, but that’s enough time to do something I’ve been meaning to do for six months. Let’s stop procrastinating and finish out the year with a big-time, genuine, all-beef official Top 100 Board Games list!

Message in a Mailbox

Recently, my old college offered alumni the chance to send a letter to the current owners of our old student union mailbox numbers. Somehow, I got old enough to think this was a good idea. 

The Top 5 Star Trek Board Games

“The Man Trap” premiered on September 8, 1966, which means that Star Trek has been living long and prospering for fifty years! If you’d like to celebrate with a board game and something… green…  here are five great choices.

Why Are My Kickstarter Releases On Time?

A few days ago, I received shipping notifications for the releases of Tesla vs. Edison and Evolution: Flight. My first thought was “yay!” And my second thought was, “I hope I can keep up with all my new games?” And my third thought was “What’s with all these game releases happening all at once?”