6 Months, 50 Members, 8 Meetups, Not Bad!
Exactly 6 months ago, I hit the “go” button and launched the Meetup group for the San Marcos Board Gamers. How have things stacked up in this time? Well, the headline says it all: “Not bad.”
A few days ago, we passed the 50 member mark — thanks for joining, Stephanie! We’ve met at least once a month, usually at the San Marcos Public Library. We’ve played a lot of great games from a lot of different styles and eras, including:
- classic old games like Dungeonquest and Regatta
- party games like Sour Apples to Apples and Quelf
- cooperative games like Castle Panic and Space Alert
- strategy games like Carcassonne, Dominion, and 7 Wonders
- and of course the occasional silly dice game.
There are also a few things that haven’t been accomplished yet, mostly because this has been a very busy winter for me at work. The Facebook page I’ve wanted to do hasn’t happened yet, and I haven’t been able to do much other promotion. Attendance is good, but it hasn’t settled down to a steady, self-sustaining group of regulars, and we haven’t had much chance to play outside of the library meetups. I would love to get together for an evening-long game like Battlestar Galactica or a full campaign of Risk Legacy, but it just hasn’t happened yet.
Overall, though, it’s been a good first 6 months. There is a lot of work to do yet, but we’ve met regularly and enjoyed games.
Archived from the San Marcos Board Gamers website.