Paperback Plays Well, Looks Spartan
Drunk Debate Bingo: The Game

Many years ago, I was one of several redshirts who created a Star Trek drinking game. Since old friends and the Internet never forget the sins of your youth, a friend asked me this morning, “Do you have time to put together a “Drunk Debate” game before 9:00 pm EDT tonight? Please and thank you.” Ashley, this is YOUR fault.
Will Fitbit Adventures Keep You Stepping?
The Top 5 Star Trek Board Games
Which Board Games Would You Take to Mars?
Vast is Fun But Oh That Learning Curve
Multi-Level Marketing + Monetization Makes Me Nervous

We’re replacing a 22-year-old air conditioning system today, and the salesman did a fine job of reassuring us and explaining our options. When he learned I was a game designer, he also told me to check out something new and interesting: a multi-level marketing sports game from an outfit called United Games.
Is Lanterns a Carcassonne Killer?
Offworld Trading Company is a Euro Game in RTS Clothing

I’ve never been much of an real-time strategy (RTS) gamer. I like building up bases, but smashing opponents doesn’t excite me and I hate having to do everything in a hurry. So it took a lot of rave reviews before I tried out Offworld Trading Company, but now I’m hooked on the twists and turns of its…