Mysterium and the Straits of Communication
Is Civilization VI Too Complex For Its Own Good?
Is Evolution: Climate a Game Changer?
When Powering Up Is Also a Reboot
History, science, and technology have a magnetic pull for me, which makes me a natural customer of Dirk Knemeyer‘s publishing company Artana Games. I couldn’t resist last year’s Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents, and was quick to pick up its new expansion, Powering Up. So was this trip to the past worth my time?
Tower Conquest Showcases Polish, Playability
Paperback Plays Well, Looks Spartan
Vast is Fun But Oh That Learning Curve
Is Lanterns a Carcassonne Killer?
Offworld Trading Company is a Euro Game in RTS Clothing
I’ve never been much of an real-time strategy (RTS) gamer. I like building up bases, but smashing opponents doesn’t excite me and I hate having to do everything in a hurry. So it took a lot of rave reviews before I tried out Offworld Trading Company, but now I’m hooked on the twists and turns of its…